Vi udfører inspektion på alle typer skibe i danske farvande. Vi udfører hygiejnecertifikat til skibe i alle danske havne og farvande.

Vi kommer samme dag hvis det er et behov!

Vi udtager bakteriologisk kontrol af ferskvand på dit skib, der udtages akkrediteret prøve, PCACA.

Åbent 7-18 også lørdage

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Ship Sanitation Certificate Denmark (SSC)

In accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) Denmark will effective 1 January 2009 no longer be issuing Deratting Certificates.

Instead Ship Sanitation Certificates can be issued following a ship inspection.

The IHR were adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 and entered into force 15 July 2007.

Foreign ships not possessing a valid Ship Sanitation Certificate must be inspected when arriving in Denmark.

The required inspection of the vessel is regarding vectors which might carry diseases contagious to humans, thus the inspection focuses on the presence of rodents and insects on the ship.

To apply for a Ship Sanitation Certificate the ship must fill out an application form and forward this to a registered pest control company together with a copy of the ships current certificate.

To find a registered pest control company please consult the website of the Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning.

When an inspection of the vessel has been carried out, the inspector will forward a report on the inspection to the responsible health authority (the Public Health Medical Officers) in the Region where inspection has taken place.

Following receipt of the inspection report, the Public Health Medical Officer will issue the relevant Ship Sanitation Certificate – either a Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate or a Ship Sanitation Control Certificate.

The representative of the ship can collect the certificate at the Public health Medical Officers in the Region.

The health office will charge a fee of DKK 518,- on top of any charge that the pest control company may have for carrying out the inspection.

Extension of valid ship sanitation certificate:

A valid Ship Sanitation Certificate may be extended for a period of one month when the inspection cannot be carried out and there is no evidence of infection or contamination.

To apply for an extension the ship must fill out an extension application form and forward this to the relevant health office in the Region of the relevant port.

The application must contain an explanation of reasons for the extension of the Ship Sanitation Certificate including details of when and where the ship plans to apply to renew Ship Sanitation Certificate and undergo inspection.

Further, the ship must render it probable, that no rodents or insects of potential threat should be suspected to be found on board.

The application must be faxed or emailed together with a copy of the ships current valid certificate.

For further information please contact the health office in the relevant Region.

Vi udfører hygiejne certifikat til skibe. Hygiejne inspektion af skibe and ship sanitation certificate Danmark.